Yes, we ship locally and internationally. And there are a lot transport ways such as express(DHL, FedEx, UPS, EMS, TNT), air cargo, sea cargo or local logistics etc.
When you place an order on, we'll send you an email to let you know when it's been shipped and is headed on its way to you.
To check the delivery status of your order, visit the ship company website and type in your track nos. We cannot determine exact delivery time, but we can tell you if your order has been shipped, and whether any problems with it have been reported to us.For more specific delivery details, please refer to your order and check with your sales.
We'll provide you with an estimated delivery date when your order is placed. Estimated delivery dates vary due to carrier shipping practices, delivery location and the items you order. Our third party logistic company deliver between the hours of 9:00 am and 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. We cannot determine your exact delivery time, but we can tell you if your order has been shipped, and whether or not there are any problems with it that have been reported to us that could delay delivery. To check the delivery status of your order, visit the ship company website and type in your track nos.
For your security and protection, it's best to have someone available to sign for your order between the hours of 9:00 am and 5:00 pm, Monday through Friday, excluding holidays. If the delivery cannot be made, your order will be returned to the local delivery center and another attempt will be made.
An estimated delivery date will be provided after your order is placed. Since all of our products are customized, so the dates vary due to items production schedule and carrier shipping practices, delivery location.
Each product page allows those with a account to submit a review. We encourage you to provide comments, a rating and more, to help other buyers who could benefit from your experience.
Of coz, we can. Beijing HP Printing Limited are mainly offer the business-to-business division. We can develop a customized program for your business. You’ll get specialized pricing, dedicated local account management and a complete assortment of products and services at the lowest total delivered cost — all from one easy, convenient source.
Yes, we can. Beijing HP Printing Limited provides multiple services, from business card printing to promotional item creation and any branding services. Visit the Web site to learn more.
We are here for you, and we do have a minimum order for most orders. And please always remember that prices differ dependent on the quality levels. More Quantity, Less Cost each Unit is the basic rule.
At HP Printing, as part of our promise is to provide you with very best customer service. We want you to be able to receive a quote by your preferred method. You can fill out our easy to use and interactive online qoute form, get us on the telephone or even drop us an email with your details. Whatever your preference, rest assured that we will be in touch quickly with a quote and a huge bouquet of advice.
Regardless of how you decide to contact us, we understand that you need answers. If you prefer to give us a phone call then one of our advisers can offer you advice, consultation and, ultimately, a quote immediately. If it is our online quote form or an email that floats your boat, then it shouldn't be longer than 24 hours until one of our adviser has addressed your needs and got back to you with some answers.
Once we have confirmation from you that you'd like to place your order, we will email you back a invoice for payment (this is if you prefer to order via email). We do require full payment before we ship your goods.
Our items are mainly branded with the information you give, so if it's not quality problem, there won't be any returns. However, if there is problem occurred by Beijing HP Printing Staff, we will accept return and arrange replacements.
We can arrange free stock samples, ship cost will be paid by client.If proof, a proof fee will be needed.
Our production lead time is very much depending on the printing method used for the production and the bags material. In most cases, our production lead time will be around 1weeks-4weeks, sometimes sooner depending on your order details.
All of our products are personalized, if you didn't find the products on our website, pls email your requirements or call us, we will get the best solution for you soon.
Yes. Firstly, we give 2% discount for each new clients, and some commission to client who recommend new customers.